5 Last Minute Dad Dates for Fathers Day

Hey guess what professional procrastinators? It’s Father’s Day weekend and you have nothing planned for your poor daddy! The man who put his man parts in your mother’s lady parts resulting in eggs and sperm smashing together making you an eventual human is finally getting his day and deserves to be celebrated. Don’t worry lazy people, RushTix has you covered, here are 5 last minute dad dates for Father’s day in the San Francisco Bay Area.

1. Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom

indiana jones and the temple of doom

This is the ultimate dad movie. Adventure, suspense, precocious asian sidekicks, everything you need for a fun movie date with daddy. All dad’s secretly wish they were Indiana Jones anyway, that whip you found in his closet that one time? He was pretending to be Indiana, it wasn’t a weird sex thing… I mean, probably…

2. Emperor Norton’s Fantastic Waterfront Time Machine

emperor nortons water front time machine

This is an especially fun Father’s day trip is your dad is a native SFer. Join Emperor Norton as he take you back to a time when he reigned as supreme Emperor of San Francisco and Protector of Mexico. In this 2.75 hour tour you’ll journey to Emperor Norton Bridge, Coit Tower, and many more amazing locations with your dear old pops. 

3. Long Day Short Film Festival

long day short film festival

Maybe you and your dad don’t always get along, maybe he doesn’t agree with your decision to quit your job and be a professional street juggler. For a day you can spend with your slightly estranged dad, go to the Long Day Short Film Festival so you can focus on discussing the amazing short films you see and not why you shaved your head and aren’t coming to Thanksgiving…

4. Mission CTRL

mission ctrl

Let’s face it, your dad’s joke are whack. To help your dad go from Danny Tanner on Full House to Bob Saget in real life, take him to see Mission CTRL, SF Sketch legends who will make you and your dad laugh harder than when he saw your art school report card.

5. San Francisco Flamethrowers

san francisco flamethrowers

Sports! Dads love sports! Take your manly man, sports loving, beer drinking, daddy-o to enjoy San Francisco’s premier Ultimate Frisbee team, the Flamethrowers. You and your father will love reminiscing about the good old days of tossing the frisbee around in the park while your mother watched from the car wrapped in a blanket drinking wine juice boxes.

Guess what? You can find any or all of these events by clicking here!