5 Perfect Pride Picks

The weather is sunnier, people are smiley-er, rainbow flags are popping up more places than internet dating ads right after you change your Facebook status to single, it must almost be Pride weekend! Besides the parade, here are our top 5 picks for perfect Pride parties.

1. HellaGay Pride Comedy

Gay is just another word for happy, so happy up your hump day with a night full of #HellaGayComedy at Club OMG. Laugh it up with a gal who calls herself Nasty Ass Bitch (so you don’t have to). Hella gay, hella fun, hella pride.

2. Wednesday Night Follies


Finocchio follies comes to the Oasis with renown performer Holotta Tymes, a drag-tastic larger than life performer with hair to match. You’ll have a holoatta fun with this talented trouper.

3. La Garçonne Gala

Throwback your Thursday to a time when ladies wore fancy dresses instead of crop tops, and the men wore tuxedos instead of dirty gross converse with holes in them, when you attend La Garçonne Gala, a night of art, music, and fanciness.

4. Heart of Pride: Disco Tea Dance

heart of pride

Do you like discos, tea, and dancing? Of course you do, so come on down to the Heart of Pride: Disco Tea Dance. There will be DJs, sexy, sexy, people, and the most light reflecting balls you’ll see outside of the Folsom Street Fair.

5. Sunday Mass Pride Party

After the party is the after party, and after the Pride Parade is the Sunday Mass Pride Party! Join this happy, sexy, sparkly, all-night party that will help you end your Pride weekend on a note higher than all those escaped float balloons.