5 Star Spangly Last Minute 4th of July Ideas

It’s almost America’s birthday and you haven’t gotten her anything! Before you are disinvited from her next birthday and get deported to like, Canada (America’s Hat), here are 5 last minute ways you can celebrate 4th of July weekend in the Bay Area.

1. Reds, Whites, and Blues VIP Wine Party

Reds, Whites, and Blues VIP Wine Party

Know what the best activity is to beat away those summer time blues? Drinking! Sample the finest reds and whites The Rock Wall Wine Company has to offer at this fun, fancy, boozey American event.

2. Food Truck Frenzy Red, Whites, and Blues

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Food tastes better coming out of a truck, I don’t know why, it just does.

3. The Veterans of Comedy 4th of July Edition

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They fought to keep America free and now they want to make you laugh! And they are all trained in high caliber weaponry and hand to hand combat so yea, you better laugh.

4. An Old-Fashioned Fourth of July

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Take a break from all the drinkin’ and fireworkin’ and Amurkin’ flag bikini wearin’ to enjoy a trip back in time to when America was just a glint in the eye of Uncle Sam and the Statue of Liberty (those are America’s parents I’ve decided).

5. Joystick July 4th Drag Dance Party

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If the J. Edgar Hoover rumors are true, America loves a good Drag Queen. Party with a bunch of them at this all fun, all laughs, all America event.

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