16th Founder Showcase

Find out How to Make Your Startup Dreams Startup Realities at the 16th Founder Showcase

Does your startup need a little pixie dust (money/exposure/money) to fly? Learn how to put the magic in your mission when you attend the 16th Founder Showcase: Silicon Valley’s Leading International Startup Event. Featuring Keynote speakers, Peter Diamandis, Chairman & CEO of the X PRIZE Foundation, Co-Founder of Singularity University and Human Longevity & Space Adventures, Chamath Palihapitiya, Founder of The Social+Capital Partnership and Owner of the Golden State Warriors (go Warriors), Gabe Zichermann, World’s Leading Expert on Gamification, Founder of Dopamine and Gamification Co, and Conference Chair at GSummit, and many more.

Learn more about 16th Founder Showcase

Audience: All Ages
Purchase Tickets: Regularly $200.00

Photo: Christine Mason

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