Pop Cultured! with Nicky and Jimmy
In this comedy game show, featuring host Nicky Urban and judge Jimmy Pardo, your favorite comedians compete in a series of challenges, inspired by movies, TV, music and the internet to see who is the most Pop Cultured!
Featuring guests Guy Branum, Kristen Studard & Chris Fairbanks!
- Live 60 minute comedy game show with Nicky Urban & Jimmy Pardo
- 30 minute Q&A from the audience chat, with the host Nicky Urban and contestants
- Approximately 90-Minute Show
About Nicky Urban
Nicky Urban is a comedian who hosts, sings, writes, and acts. She has been featured on America’s Got Talent, Tosh.0, Funny or Die, WhoHaha and Comedy Cake. She is the creator and co-host of the Comedy Girl Crush podcast.
About Jimmy Pardo
A seasoned veteran of comedy clubs and late-night television, Jimmy Pardo has appeared on such shows as The Tonight Show, Conan, The Late Late Show, and hosts the award-winning podcast, Never Not Funny.
All ticket holders can watch the show for 48 hours after the livestream broadcast.
18+ Event: Parental guidance is advised for ages 13 to 17. Not recommended for ages 12 and under.