Meet the Culture Squad: Antonio Morales

The Culture Squad is a group of influential, enlightened, and remarkably attractive RushTix members who believe in our mission of getting out and enjoying live performance, unique art, and informative tech events. Members of the Culture Squad enjoy special perks and benefits like early access to events, fun swag, and invites to exclusive parties. In order to get you acquainted with some of our most treasured Culture Squad members, here’s a little peek into their lives and what makes them cultural captains.


This is Antonio Morales, a Mexico born RushTix member with a love for live theater, family, and skating princesses.

Antonio Morales Culture Squad Profile

1. What was the show that first excited you about live theater?


Two plays played an important role in my love of live theater, the first one was “Waiting for Godot” @ ACT’ Geary theater, a play which bored me to death, the meaning of the play eluded me for a while, i knew it was about nothingness, loneliness, nihilism and a prime example of the theater of the absurd, still I couldn’t quite find it in my heart to embrace it. I have always believed that in order to appreciate anything in life you have to try to do any act three times before you decide whether you like it or you need to move on to better things. Luckily the next play I saw made me realize how powerful, thought provoking and fulfilling live theater can be. At the Geary I saw William Saroyan’s “The Time of Your Life”  and after that there was no turning back. Amazing play with themes anyone can fully relate to, i.e you have to look for the good things in life. Beautiful dialogue to quote from, example: “In the time of your life, live—so that in that wondrous time you shall not add to the misery and sorrow of the world, but shall smile to the infinite delight and mystery of it.”

A bit melodramatic, but that play ignited my love for live theater.


2. Who is your favorite performer?


The dude who used to hide behind a dying, sad, bunch of branches and scared tourists at Fisherman’s Wharf  comes close to my perfect performer …. Haha! But my favorite performer is Dave Gahan, the singer from Depeche Mode, magnetic personality able to have the crowd eating from his fingers, his ability to thrill thousands exemplifies the perfect communion between artist and audience. Besides he has those inner demons ready to break him to pieces any moment, dark stuff just barely buried beneath that public happy persona he has to show to the world. (The dude actually died from heroin overdose for a few minutes in LA back in the eighties and had to be electro shocked back to life!)


3. Where are you from and what brought you to the Bay Area?


I am originally from Guadalajara,Mexico. I  lived in San Antonio Tx with my brother, but I found it utterly depressing, then It was either LA or the Bay Area, but the rest of my family was in the Bay Area, my sisters and my parents so it was a no brainer. Although family can be way toooooo much oftentimes, (Mexicans are quite something! Haha!) but I do not regret any minute, it has been over 15 years and the area still surprises me and makes me happy. Besides, the Burritos and the Chimichangas are a sight to behold!


4. What would you tell someone who would rather stay on the couch all day and watch Friends reruns than have a night out on the town?


I would tell them to get out and support the myriad of talented people who  make great theater, stand up comedy, concerts, the Bay Area is blessed with so many venues where you can catch a great show any night of the week. I know that some nights one might catch a bad show, and some nights one can be really grateful to have experienced something truly enlightening. The important thing is to understand that no matter how bad or good the show has been, i know that the performers truly gave everything they got for better or worse. Besides, you have to support the scene and let small forward thinking venues grow, otherwise they will get displaced by the latest predatory raise of their leases to make room for more overpriced housing!


5. What has been your favorite RushTix event?


I have enjoyed many, but I have to admit that my favorite one was when I took my niece to Disney On Ice. (Gasp!) even though  I dislike the whole Disney Marketing Machine, my 7 year old niece had a great time and that made me extremely happy. Personally, I love theater in any venue.