Meet the Culture Squad: Jason Wong

jason hero shot

1. Where are you from and what brought you to the Bay Area? 

I was born and raised in San Francisco. My parents doing stuff I don’t want to visualize brought me to the Bay Area.

2. Name something interesting/fun/weird that has happened during a tech lecture or meetup.

Met a friend I hadn’t seen since high school! We caught up, discussed a few classes, and generally nerded out.

3. What would you tell someone who would rather stay on the couch all day and watch Friends reruns than have a night out on the town?

No one ever died wishing they watched more Friends reruns.

4. What has been your favorite non-tech related RushTix event?

The SF Symphony, which, of course, was excellent.

5. Name a startup (other than RushTix) that is doing exciting things in the Bay Area right now.

The startup I’ve enjoyed most recently is Bento (since I’m lazy) and Luxe, since parking in SF is a pain.